okey im so excited about my new company. their business nature.
and really interested in it. sebab ape?

daripada kita simpan duit kertas berlonggok2 dlm bank,
why not kite beli this piece of gold.

boleh simpan ar rahnu. and boleh keluarkan n jual bile2 masa kita nak.

like my supervisor said

zaman rasulullah 1 ekor kambing = 1 dinar.
same gk ngn zaman skang.

maknanya nilai emas takan pernah susut even dah 1000 years.

oleh itu marilah bertabung dgn cik suami.

nk kompol jongkong emas plak lepas ni.

sape nak tau price details.

im ooo excited. sebab tu aku suke pos bile harga jatuh kat facebook. so that others interested nk bli. tlg sesama islam.

and our customer here kebanykannye islam.
so sape kate org islam tk kaye. :)

diorang bli emas every week. kompol byk2.

harga sini mmg murah. kalau tgk pattern dia huduh sket. sbb kalau pattern cantik2 tu ade gk jual tpi mahal sket sbb sulit sket nk buat.
and harga tk byk beza ngn kilang.

emas cantik 10g = mahal sket
emas tak cantik 10g = murah sket.

kite jual pon kire berat bukan kire cantik kan.

so kire sendirik heee...


Mai Alias said…
betul betul
sememangnya cara Islam tu sebaik-baiknya kan

nanti InsyaAllah nak beli ^_^ naaakkkk naaakkkk

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