UM Hospital

yesterday, one whoole day kat sana.

my dad had an operation.
hope everything is oke. jiwa dia kuat. i know :)....

been having a bad instinct for 2 weeks.
rasa tak sedap hati... till i cried. ... a lotsssss.... rase serba tak kena...

after 2 weeks - every day.............. then i had a call from my dad... he was admiited to HUKM.

mase tu baru tau... ya Allah.. patut pon "sampai" sini rasa tu.

i dunno why. connection with him is too strong. every time dari dulu lagi ..

if hati tergerak nak call dia... dia call dulu...

mebbe people that i love. so.. dont play play ..huk


carik parking around PJ. 2 3 kali round tak jumpe n hampir fed up.
then i try this thing called visualize....(daalam Law of Attraction ade)

i closed my eyes... visualise

on my left side, akan ade parking kosong.. which is

sebelah kiri vios silver and kanan four wheel drive maroon color yg lame.

.....................oh the four wheel drive tu appeared sendiri last minit...

and yakin .. DIA akan tolong...

then.. miracle happened. after few minutes,

we found parking kosong.

but sebelah kanan.
and parking kosong tu sebelah

kiri wira silver, and kanan new 4 wheel drive maroon color..

Maha Suci Allah :)...


ayah pindah wad depan counter. in front of him there is one guy. dari mula2 masuk senyap je.. mate terbeliak je pandang orang. around 40. kami borak adik beradik .... pasal nurse.. pasal semua... dia senyap je...

after few hours, me with my fiancee, tunggu ayah. my brother went out for dinner...

doc sampai... he asked why my dad didnt wore stokin?

then jumpe stoking hospital. the stokin mmg pelik. lubang kat depan, and ketat.

thanks to dear tolong pasang kaki kanan .. me pasang kaki kiri....

pasang dengan susah payah nye..struggle giler.... lame kot .. 10 minits... tetibe ade suara yang garau...


kami pon tertoleh2... mencari punca suara.. then baru prasan brader depan tu sound. n dengan selambe die angkat kaki kiri die tunjuk stokin die...


kami pon terdiam seminit... tanpe cover terus gelak kat situ gak.
rupenye die mmg perhatikan dari awal sampai abes... malu wooooo.

thanks dear, sama teman jage my dad.... ~love..



"ud'uu lii astajib lakum"
jintanmanis said…
maha suci Allah :)

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