silverlight kah?
gambarajah a (click pict for tumbesaran)
okeh...ari ni nak membebel pasal silverlight... masuk bab design sket sbb mmg sangat depress dan tertekan...hohohoh...
firstly why the screen is bloody red? and the logo is green? tak kene kan?
oke... sebab CEO suke kaler red and white... hah.. nak jual kat CEO ke kat customer?
secondly... nak convert this design to silverlight ... design balik button die gune unfriendly user experience yg ade kat silverlight... punye la complicated...ouh... silverlight ni mase wat research ade tak wat kat designer? cukop punye complicated kalau nak wat adjustment and design..mmg sangat la tak same dengan psd file above.
gambarajah b
... and im come the illustration samples done by their designer sangat la details dan cun dan gempak. sure sangat tekun sape yg design... oke .. ni sample die .. kagom tak?
oke..silverlight ni more to UX ... user je la...yg dah ade final output... yang nak wat engine tu tadek la X sangat. a software by microsoft... same as adobe .. but their expression web and other soft okey la kalau nak try... the CSS and html kat experssion web die lagi organize.
but thanks to bombe ... tanpe die 3 bulan la tak pandai pandai wat mende ni...(kenny rogers for lunch..)
busan tak .?ble dapat credit tak promote silverlight? .. oke...wat keja.