

Come and shop with US!! ^_^
welcome to me new biziiinesss...
sweet prices just for you.
sebarang suggestion sangat di alu alu kan.
any fashion u want. we will try to find it for you!
just give me a pict for reference.
thank you to all of you guys for whishing me happy birthday!! appreciate it!! =D
and really really thank you pada semua yang support dalam bisnes baru ni. terharu!!! huhuh.... XOXO
smoga dipermudahkan segala urusan kalian. terima kasih!!! terima kasih !!
i will sing when im working and i dont realize it. a disturbance to others maybe. and my portugese officemate..
"hey mailal, syhhh.."
"mailal is insane..... hey (asking azrin) how to say mailal is insane in malay?"
"mailal gila"
"not gila.. other word"
"hilang akal"
"mailal hilang akal....."

im writing...with my left hand.
hey... use your right hand. its easier.

(rase nak kuntau je mamat portugese nihhhh!!!)


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