
Showing posts from July, 2013

Babywearing at 1 year old

babywearing. aeyyman dah tak suke di babywear. dah lasak le katakan tambahan berat dah cecah 10kg kene back carry. tp macam tak berani sebab dulu time 7kg mommy try, rase macam terhuyung hayang sebab titik tengah pusat mommy tak stabil. oh rindu nye wearing kamu.


Dapat doa dari suami, alhamdu lillah.


Ya allah kurniakanlah aku rasa sayu & sayup di bulan Mulia. Kerana rasa itu membawa aku kepada rendah diri, dan kurniakanlah kekuatan & keikhlasan kepadaku dalam beribadat.

Timeline of a Breastfed Baby

Image All babies reach milestones on their own developmental timeline. A multitude of factors influence the rate of each baby’s individual growth such as genetics, form of delivery, gestation at delivery, medical issues, effectiveness of the placenta prior to delivery, and so on.  However there is a persistent and understandable demand from first-time mothers for information on what is considered ‘the norm’. This is particularly so with breastfeeding, as understanding breastmilk intake is more complex than looking at the oz mark on a bottle. This is a topic rife with large-scale confusion, especially as breastfeeding mothers are in the minority and can often find themselves, and their health workers, comparing their baby with formula-fed babies.  Breastfed babies are not the same as formula fed babies. One is fed the milk of its own species; the other is fed the milk of an entirely different species, so i...

Resepi Home Made Nugget

Bahan-Bahan 1. Isi Ayam 2. Bawang Putih 3. Garam 4. Roti 5. Tepung Gandum 6. Telur Cara-Cara 1. Blend isi ayam sehingga separuh hancur, 2. campurkan bawang putih (hancurkan) dan sedikit garam. 3. kepalkan 4. salut bersama tepung gandum 5. celup telur Breadcrumbs/serbuk roti 1. Bakar hingga kering/keras roti 2. blend hingga jadi serbuk salutkan dengan bahan  yg dah dicelup telur tadi. mommy buat ni utk anak mommy yg dah nak setahun. tapi ayah dia yg makan abes. huhu~

Rindu Hikmahku

rindu ayah lagi. kadang rasa tak terbawak dek hati. rasa nak pergi sama. teman dia kat sana. ermmm....

Stroller Idaman Mommy

i love simple. tapi simple cost more money. okey suke stroller ni. harga pasaran RM18++ stroller paling kecik bile dilipat di abad ini. stroller paling senang lipat ( satu tangan je) lontar bile nak bukak. lightweight. yes babyzen YOYO. biarlah gambar berbicara. bicara elok2.