enjoy Breastfeeding
DEGREE!! alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. byk Allah bg kemudahan utk mommy menyusukan awak. mudah.. susu takde la melambak2. tp sekadar cukup. belum lg campur ngn FM. Allah bg ilham study Allah bg ilham camne nak handle EBM ( mommy tensi mula2 dulu huhu) ingat lagi ajar awak minum bottle .. time tu arwah atuk ade lg. time tu awak 3 bulan. mommy suke tidurkan awak atas lengan sambil BF. tak kesah la kebas ke ape... tengok awak dari angle atas. awak dongak2.. pegang2 mulut, pegang2 gigi mommy.. korek2 mulut mommy.. gelak gelak.. Alhamdulillah. syukur atas nikmat Mu yg tidak terbalas. I have been very lucky. I have had the choice to breastfeed all of my children. Not everyone has the choice; not everyone wants the choice. But, though I have had my own share of hurdles in the adventure that is motherhood, nursing is something that has been relatively easy and effortless for me. Not painless, mind you, but mostly free from the trials that some women face. Some days, I need ...