
Showing posts from May, 2013

update kimpis: aeyyman 10 months. demam

huh. anak dah 10 bulan. malas dah nak update blog. blog lebih kepada mencampakkan ingatan, agar suatu hari nanti leh korek2 untuk mengingatkan kembali diri ini. Aeyyman 10 months old makin manja! makin melekat! org ke dapur dia ke dapur, org ke hall dia ke hall, ni dah pandai capai kaki melekat je kat kaki. mmg balik keje tak dan nak masak. T_T. bby sebaya aeyyman dah pandai diri dah.. aeyyman blom ( dok kepit ngn mommy camne nak blajo nak oiiii) oh dah merangkak at 9 months old. gigi sudah ampat 2 gigi bawah- demam panas kat mekah 2 gigi atas - demam panas 9 bulan. tp tak lembik cam kat mekah. mmy tuam, bangun je tuam bangun je tuam, seboleh2 xmau bawak ke spital. berserah pada Allah, last try mmy cuba onion ( rupenye garlic) tapi lembik gak bawang tu esok nye. panas sgt badan dia!! note-to-self kalau aeyyman demam lemon socks garlic socks jaram letak bawang belah tepi dia bagi vco selang 2 jam. pempered him tima kasih temanku yg bg byk idea nat...

Lemon Socks for a Fever

A few weeks ago I finally got around to listening to the audio recording of  Dr. Tom Cowan ‘s talk at the last  Wise Traditions Conference  on childhood fevers. An interesting lecture, Dr. Cowan discusses a possible link of chronic fever suppression to the propensity for developing cancer later in life.  Hmm.  I certainly am not a huge proponent of fever reducing medicines (like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin) used in excess, but his presentation still gave me pause. A few days later, my five year old woke up with his first fever in a long while, so I had a chance to face my opinions on treating a fever first hand. I helped my red-faced son into comfy jammies, hydrated him, and tucked him into bed.  He seemed to be quite miserable and uncomfortable, since he was  shrieking  at a very high pitch. Though I don’t typically take temperatures, I did this time, and he registered just under 103°F. I gave him some homeopathic  arnica ...